Southwestern Special Service District (SWSSD)

The Southwestern Special Service District (SWSSD) is the government entity that manages the Winchester Hills Fire Department.

The District operates the Winchester Hills fire department, which is equipped with fire suppression vehicles and equipment to enable them to respond to fires within the District boundaries and lend assistance to surrounding areas. 

The District’s Administrative Control Board consists of five members, each of whom is elected by general election within the service area to serve a four-year term. 

The board’s duty is to manage the district openly, democratically and for the benefit of its constituents.

The SWSSD's meeting schedule, agenda and meeting minutes are posted on the Utah Public Notice web-site ( In the Gov section select: Special Districts; in the Entity section select: Southwestern Special Service District; and in the Public Body section select: Board of Directors. Meetings will be listed below by date.

Current board members and contact information is below:

Contact the SWSSD, email address:

Board Members:

  • Cheryl Christensen
  • Ferris Emery
  • Kathy Farnsworth
  • Don Reusch
  • Rich Kelly

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